Section 8 – Elevator Linkage Installation
Step 10
Remove the tube and install it into one stabilizer half-
way up to the first line on the tube. Drill through the
hole into the stabilizer and tap for a 4-40 bolt. Install
the bolt to secure the tube in the stabilizer.
Step 11
Install the shorter tube into the stabilizer half with
the secured tube. Slide the assembly into the
fuselage. Slide the remaining stab half onto the tubes
and drill and tap the location for the 4-40 retaining
bolt. Install the bolt to complete the procedure.
Step 12
Remove the stock servo arms from the elevator
servos and replace them with heavy-duty 1" arms.
The arms need to face down as shown. Be sure to
use a drop of threadlock on the servo arm screw if
using metal-geared servos.