35% Extra 300 ARF Assembly Manual
on the spline that gets it as close to parallel to the hinge line
as possible. If necessary, use the sub trim in the transmitter
to adjust the neutral position so the arm is parallel to the
hinge line. Attach the linkage to the servo arm and adjust the
length using a Hangar 9 Pro-Link™ adjustment tool so the
aileron is at the neutral position.
14. Apply a drop of threadlock on the servo arm center
screw and tighten.
15. Tighten the servo arm setscrews. Do not use
threadlock on these screws.
16. Mount the inboard servo following the same
method as outboard but no extension is required. Tie a knot
using the string that has been attached to the servo bay and
pull the servo lead through the root rib as shown.
17. Mount the servo so that the output shaft is toward
the trailing edge. Follow the same steps in marking and
making the servo mounting holes as the outboard servo.
8. Assemble the servo linkage following the same
steps as the outboard servo. Make sure to set the distance of
center of the control horn pivot to the aileron hinge at 1 1/2
. Connect the servo to the Matchbox and refer to the
MatchBox Programming Hints on page 10 for final setup.
. The picture below shows both servos installed.