35% Extra 300 ARF Assembly Manual
6. Mount the tail gear.
7. Hook the springs to the T-bracket from the tiller arm.
Pass through the hole and wrap the spring around the arm a
couple of times.
Rudder Servo Installation
Required Parts
Ball link (1)
Rudder pushrod (1)
Required Parts (not included)
JR 8911HV or similar digital servo (1)
JR 1.5-inch servo arm (1)
JR heavy-duty servo extension, 24-inch (1)
Required Tools and Adhesives
Pin vise
Phillips screwdriver: #1
String (Dental floss)
3/32-inch ball driver
Note: The fuselage is made to accept 2 rudder servos,
however if the recommended servo is used, only one
servo is needed even for the most extreme 3D flying.
For lower torque servo, use two servos.
1. Prepare the servo by installing the rubber grommets
and brass eyelets. Attach the 24-inch extension and secure
the connector with a piece of dental floss (string).
2. Apply a piece of masking tape over the knot holding
the leads.
3. Mount the servo so the output shaft is closer to the
rudder hinge line and mark the mounting lugs.
4. Using a pin vise, drill the marked spots.
5. Mount the servo screws and back them out, then