EasyRoll Inco
EasyRoll 2way with Inco is a sliding drawsheet. EasyRoll 4way with Inco is a sliding drawsheet that is used in combination
with EasyRoll sliding sheet.
EasyRoll 2way Inco, EasyRoll 4way Inco, EasyRoll Chair pad, EasyRoll Underpad and EasyRoll Matttress Protector are made
from a highly absorbent material that can be laundered, is intended for users that are in need of incon tinence protection.
The sliding drawsheet and underpad also has an anti-friction material on the underside, which facilitates repositioning later-
ally as well as upwards and downwards on the bed.
Visual inspection
Check the condition and function of the assistive device
regularly. Always inspect the product after laundering.
Check to ensure that seams and material are free from
damage. Check to ensure that fabric is not worn or faded.
If there are signs of wear, the product must be discarded.
Friction test
Low friction - Ensure that the surface is smooth and slides
effortlessly. Compare with a new product.
Always read the user manuals for all assistive devices used
during a transfer.
Keep the user manual where it is accessible to users of the
product. Always make sure that you have the right version
of the user manual. The most recent editions of user
manuals are available for downloading from our website,
Check Safety
Always read the user manual
The EasyRoll slide sheet is placed with the shiny side in the
middle of the bed and with the EasyRoll4Way, Inco on top.
EasyRoll 4way Inco
with handles, Art No.
Be aware that there is a risk of the user
sliding out of bed. Raise the bed rails
before leaving the user.
Caution! Never attempt to lift a user
with the handles on both sides of the
sheet simultaneously.