Merley Boiler Sequence Controller
Line no.
Operating line
Room influence
Room influence
Types of compensation:
When a room temperature sensor is used, there is a
choice of 3 different types of compensation.
Type of compensation
Pure weather compensation *
1…99 %
Weather compensation with room in-
fluence *
100 %
Pure room compensation
* Outside sensor required.
Weather compensation
Weather compensation
with room influence
Room compensation only
The flow temperature is calculated via the heating curve, depending on the composite
outside temperature.
This type of compensation calls for a correct adjustment of the heating curve since in
that case the control gives no consideration to the room temperature.
Deviations of the actual room temperature from the setpoint are acquired and taken into
account when controlling the temperature. Heat gains can thus be considered,
facilitating more accurate room temperature control. The authority of deviation is set as
a percentage figure. The better the reference room (correct room temperature, correct
mounting location, etc.) the higher the value can be set.
Approx. 60 %
Good reference room conditions
Approx. 20 %
Unfavourable reference room
To activate the function, following must be considered:
A room sensor must be connected.
Room influence
must be set to a value between 1 and 99 %.
There should be no thermostatic radiator valves in the reference room (mounting
location of the room sensor). (if such valves are present, they must be set to their
fully open position).
The flow temperature is controlled depending on the room temperature setpoint, the
current room temperature and the progression of the room temperature. For example, a
slight increase of the room temperature causes an immediate drop of the following
To activate the function, following must be considered:
A room sensor must be connected.
Room influence
must be set to 100 %.
There should be no thermostatic radiator valves in the reference room (mounting
location of the room sensor). (if such valves are present, they must be set to their
fully open position).