Subject to change without notice
light, indicating that the INTENS knob
has a function allocated
to the selected item of the “Cursors” menu.
Depending on the mode (Yt or XY) different cursor measure
functions can be chosen is this menu, regarding the cursor
lines and their direction.
The cursor lines and the measurement result are displayed after
the “Cursors” menu is switched off by pressing the MENU OFF
. The results of cursor measurements will be
displayed by the readout in the top right corner of the screen.
V(CH2):16.6 mV). If a variable control was activated, the
readout will indicate this by replacing the ”value:“ by a ”
The cursor lines and symbols can be moved by POSITION 1
knobs after being activated as cursor con-
trols in the “Pos./Scale” menu. This is called by pressing the
CH1/2” CURSOR TRACE SEP pushbutton
. In this menu the
selection of ”Cursors“ (long lines) or ”auxiliary cursors“ (short
lines) or other symbols will determine which cursor lines/sym-
bols can be moved by the POSITION 1 and 2 controls.
Menu items
Depending on the operating mode (Yt or XY) this menu will offer
various cursor measuring functions which will affect the cursor
lines and their positions.
4.1 Meas.(uring) Type
If this function is activated, the INTENS knob
can be used
for measurement selection. In most cases the corresponding
unit will be automatically displayed. The measuring modes are
self explanatory.
4.2 Unit
In the modes ”Ratio X“ and ”Ratio Y“ the INTENS knob symbol
will be shown in addition to a unit, as it may then be used to
change the unit.
” rat ” (ratio), display of ratios
In this mode the ratios of duty cycles or amplitudes may be
determined with the CURSORS. The distance between the long
CURSOR lines is equal to 1.
” % ” (percent), display of percentages
The distance between the long CURSOR lines is equal to 100%.
The result will be determined by the distance of the short
auxiliary cursor line to the long reference line (lower, left re-
spectively), with a negative sign if appropriate.
” ° ” (degree), measurement of degrees
The distance between the long CURSOR lines is equal to 360
degrees and must be exactly as long as a signal period. The
measurement result will be determined from the distance
between the reference line to the short auxiliary cursor line, with
a negative sign If appropriate. For further information please con-
sult ”Measurements of phase differences in dual channel mode
(Yt)“ in the section ”First time operation and pre settings“.
One period of a sine wave is equal to 2
, hence the distance
between the two long CURSOR lines must be set to one peri-
od. If the distance between the reference line and the short
CURSOR line equals 1.5 periods, ”3
“ will be displayed. If the
short cursor line is to the left of the reference line a negative
sign will be shown.
4.3 Respect
It may be necessary to determine for which signal channel the
CURSOR measurements are valid. This is done by showing the
INTENS knob signal next to the channel number. After selection
of the signal source, the CURSOR lines must then be positioned
to the signal displayed by this channel.
4.4 Off (Cursors Off)
Pressing the function key “Off” switches the “Cursors” menu,
the cursor lines and the cursor measurement results off.
If only the displayed “Cursors” menu is to be switched off, press
the MENU OFF pushbutton
This pushbutton will open up a menu.
Under SAVE/RECALL the current instrument settings may be
saved or settings saved earlier recalled. There are 9 non volatile
memories available.
5.1 Saving the actual settings
Upon pressing the pushbutton the menu ”Front Panel“ will be
accessed. Pressing the function key “Save” shows one func-
tion key for page selection and numbered memories allocated
to function keys. Pressing a memory function key stores the
current instrument settings in the selected memory location
number .
5.2 Recall the actual settings
The menu ”Front Panel“ will be displayed after pressing the
SAVE/RECALL pushbutton. Pressing the function key “Recall”
shows one function key for page selection and numbered me-
mories allocated to function keys. Pressing a memory function
key causes loading of the stored settings.
Pressing this pushbutton will open the SETTINGS menu which
offers the following submenus which can be called by the al-
located function keys:
6.1 Language
In thus submenu the language can be selected: English, Ger-
man, French are available for choice.
6.2 Misc (Miscellaneous)
Contr.Beep On Off
Switches the acoustical signal ON or OFF, which informs about
CW or CCW positions of knobs.
Error Beep On Off
Will turn the acoustical error signal ON or OFF.
Quick Start On Off
In off the HAMEG logo, the type and the version number will not
be shown, the instrument will be ready immediately.
Menu Off time
With the INTENS knob
the time of menu display may be de-
termined. Pressing the MENU OFF pushbutton
will terminate
a menu on the spot.
In ”Man.“ mode the menu can be left:
– by pressing MENU OFF
– by pressing another pushbutton.
– by pressing the same pushbutton again with which the menu
was called.
6.3 Interface
This submenu displays the parameter of the built in, changeable
interface. Parameter settings can be changed in the usual way.
C o n t r o l s a n d R e a d o u t