One of this range, which you can use for
your network is to
The fi rst computer then gets the address, the second, the
third and so on.
Checking the installed network compo-
Click on –> Start –> Control Panel (in the
classic start menu –> Start –> Settings –>
Control Panel) –> Network and Internet
Connections –> Network Connections (In
the classic view double click on Network
Connections). Afterwards click with the
right mouse button on Local Area Connec-
tion. Then click –> Properties. There must
be following items be installed and active
(A tick in the small box left of the item):
• Client for Microsoft® Networks
• File and Printer Sharing for
• Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Normally these items are already installed.
When a component is missing, please
click on „Install“ and choose the corre-
sponding item to add it.
Confi guring the TCP/IP protocol
Mark „Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)“ and
click on –> Properties. Then select „Use
the following IP address“ and enter an IP
address corresponding to the instructions.
For example, the fi rst computer gets Then enter the correct subnet
mask Confi rm with –> OK
–> Close.
Starting the Network Setup Wizard
Click on –> Start –> Control Panel (in the
classic start menu –> Start –> Settings –>
Control Panel) –> Network and Internet
Connections –> Set up or change your
home or small offi ce network (In the clas-
sic view –> Network Connections –> Set
up a home or small offi ce network). Now
please follow the advises of the network
setup wizard and choose the options
which match with your requirements.
Please ensure that each computer has
been given a unique name, not to confl ict
with each other. Make sure the workgroup
name is the same for all the computers in
the network.
Furthermore the workgroup name must not
be the same as a computer name. After-
wards please check the TCP/IP protocol
settings. Possibly you have to assign the
correct IP address again.
Share folders on the network
In the Windows Explorer mark the folder
which shall be shared on the network.
Then click the right mouse button. Click
–> Sharing and Security. Now select
„Share this folder on the network“, enter
a share name and change the option
„Allow network users to change my fi les“
corresponding to your requirements.
Afterwards click –> Apply –> OK. The
system shows the sharing of resources in
the Windows Explorer with a hand in the
symbol of a folder.
Accessing shared folders
Click „My Network Places“ in the
Windows Explorer. Then choose the
corresponding resources.
Installation under Windows 2000
The card gets installed automatically. To
check if Windows has set up the card