Description of IO-Link
7100.006434_Bus description_PSD4xx_IO_J_ENG
Detailed description of bits in the status byte
Bit 0
Target position reached
This bit is set:
when a transferred target position has been reached successfully
after running a start-up reference loop, when the actual value corresponds to
the previously transferred target value
This bit is reset:
after transferring a target position if the release bit is set and when the
difference from the actual value is larger than the positioning window
(ISDU 123)
by a manual run
if an invalid target value has been transferred
as a result of manual rotation when not in operation
Bit 1
Bit 2
Toggle bit
This bit is set:
if bit 13 of the command byte is set
This bit is reset:
if bit 13 of the command byte is reset
Bit 3
Bit 4
Motor power present
This bit is set:
if the supply voltage for the motor is above the UMot limit (ISDU 179) and
below 30 V
This bit is reset:
if the supply voltage for the motor is below the UMot limit or above 30 V
Bit 5
Positioning run aborted
This bit is set:
if a positioning run is aborted because the release has been withdrawn in the
command byte
This bit is reset:
when a new run command is transmitted
with a 0
1 edge of the bit “Error Acknowledge” (available from FW V19)