4. Connect the extended nozzle hose assembly to the HaloFogger. Match the graphic icons - AIR / LIQUID - to
ensure correct connection. Press connector coupling onto fitting until an audible ‘click’ is heard.
5. Before beginning a fogging application, the extended nozzle assembly of the HaloFogger EXT must be
See instructions for priming the extended nozzle assembly.
6. Position the extended nozzle assemply within the space to be treated. Attach the nozzle assembly using
the suction cup mount or use an accessory (i.e. tripod for example), then remove the nozzle cap.
7. To begin a fogging application process, reset the HaloFogger EXT by unplugging the device from the
power source, then immediately reconnect. Confirm the status indicator light is illuminated green. Press and
hold the Start button for two (2) seconds. The green status light will begin to flash red indicating you have
thirty (30) seconds to leave the room before the unit begins to dispense disinfectant.
8. Leave room, close and seal door. Post sign on door indicating the room should not be entered during the
treatment process.
Instructions for Priming Extended Nozzle
1. Attach the ends of the HaloFogger EXT hoses to their respective air and
fluid receptacles on the fogger. (See icons on fittings.)
2. Remove the protective nozzle cap from the nozzle.
3. Using the waste bottle provided, add one cup of tap water, then place it
on the floor next to the rear wheel.
4. Take the clear tubing provided and drop one end into the waste bottle.
5. Working the adjustable ball joints of the nozzle assembly-mounting arm,
point the nozzle straight down. Then move the nozzle assembly to the side
of the HaloFogger EXT, locating the assembly above the waste bottle.
6. Lower the nozzle assembly so the exposed end of the clear tubing
engages the nozzle. Then attach the nozzle assembly to the side of the
fogger at that height using the suction cup mount.
7. Set the unit’s Fogging Timer for 10 minutes.
8. Press the start button and wait for the disinfectant to spray into the bottle.
This may take up to 3 minutes. When the disinfectant has started to spray
consistently into the bottle stop the fogger by pressing the Start button
twice in succession. The HaloFogger EXT is now primed and ready for
9. Remove the tubing the nozzle. Before moving nozzle assembly from side
of fogger, place the protective nozzle cap back on the nozzle. Release the
suction cup mount and relocate the fogger’s nozzle assembly to the desired
application location within the room to be treated.
10. Discard liquid in waste bottle. Save bottle and clear tubing for next use.
Hose Assembly will contain non-dispensed liquid disinfectant after priming and/or treatment is
complete. Sudden movement of the hose assembly can allow captured liquid disinfectant to be released
unexpectantly. Always replace the protective nozzle cap before moving the nozzle assembly. Always
wear goggles and gloves when attaching/detaching the nozzle assembly and/or moving hose.
HaloFogger® EXT Operation Manual_1911