A Halma Company
Manual (EN)
P. 52/14
Relay Output Manage
The Relay Output Manage screen allows programming the event(s) that activate
the outputs. Available options are as follows:
Events: to program the event and the output to activate
Redundancy: in systems where a higher safety level is requested, 2
outputs can be used for the same activation.
Operation Mode: it sets the output operative mode
(steady, pulsed and timed)
Relay Type: Select if the output is to be activated by a Sensor event
(alarm, fault, under scale etc.) or a Module event (Input or Output mod-
ules) or a Generic event (generic fault, power supply failure, Test etc.)
Event Type: It depends on the setting of the Relay Type option.
E.g.: in case of Sensor event, the event type can be: Fault, Alarm 1,
Alarm 2 etc.
OR: OR Mode. The output gets activated whenever one of the events
associated to this output enters an alarm or failure condition.
Voting: A settable quantity of events would happen at the same time
to activate the output.
Associated Sensors / Modules: it is the window where the events
associated to the output can be chosen (with the Add/Remove key)
and shown.
Figure 6.5.6
c) Outputs details screen