Haiwell IoT Cloud HMI User Manual
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b. Download project
Project Step 1: Enter the device manager, you can choose to use the local manager or cloud manager;
Step 2: Click [Download project] to enter the project download confirmation interface;
Step 3: In the confirmation download interface, you can choose whether to reserve the history and alarm records, whether to
reserve the formula and whether to package the font download. After the setting completed, click [OK];
Step 4: Wait for the pop-up prompt"Download successful!" and click [OK] to run the project on the device.
c. Run project
After the project successfully downloaded, wait for the HMI to restart, and after restart successfully, the HMI will automatically
open the project startup screen, and users can use the project as needed.
3. HMI manager
Open the scada software in computer, click the device manager icon of menu; or click the [project}, open the [HaiwellSacada]
installation document ,open the [Haiwell Device Manger] and enter device manager. Support to use the local manager and cloud
manager effective control HMI.
a. Enter device manager interface
Local manger
Enter device manager,click[local manager], set up IP address up on device and select device, click [mange] and enter currently
device manger, you can operate the current device as shown below