Add 16 to each setting to disable the clock and filter reminder
displays. This may be appropriate for non-programmable and
commercial use where the time display is not desired.
04 Calibration offset
This item is used to raise or lower the current temperature reading by
1 degree Fahrenheit or 1/2 degree Celsius. If this item is set to 30,
no change will be made. Each digit below 30 will lower to
temperature, and each digit above 30 will raise the temperature.
(1 = - 29 to 59 = + 29 - Temperature units - 30 = No change)
The default setting is 30.
05 Cool setpoint limit
This item is used to limit the temperature setting in cool mode. The
desired cool setting can never be set below this setting.
The default setting is 51.
06 Heat setpoint limit
This item is used to limit the temperature setting in heat mode. The
desired heat setting can never be set above this setting.
The default setting is 91.
07 Not used
08 Not used
09 Not used
10 Not used
11 Cooling minimum on/off time (minutes)
This item is used to limit the on and off times of the cooling system.
When the cooling system starts, it must remain on for the minimum
time set by this item. When the cooling system turns off, it must
remain off for a minimum time set by this item.