File Menu Selections
These selections are accessed by clicking on “File” in the upper
left corner of the main program screen. This list provides several
options that include creating and saving file configurations
as well as reading and writing the configuration to the KE-
USBMX20. A list of these options along with descriptions of how
they pertain to the KE-USBMX20 setup are listed below. When a
configuration is created on the screen, it must be written to the
KE-USBMX20 to become active on the unit.
Creates a new configuration file by either clicking on
“New” with the mouse or by pressing Ctrl+N on the keyboard.
This option will also return the program screen to the default
To get the desired keystrokes for the keypad with the FN key
pressed, each cell has been programmed as shown below.
The keystrokes defined include macros to get the upper case
characters for the “A”, “B”, and “C” keys.
Now that the configuration has been created, be sure to save it
to disk and then Write it into the KE-USBMX20.
The following page shows the two matrix configurations based
on the state of the FN key.
Only one FN key should be used per configuration and the “Single
Key at a Time” checkbox must not be checked when using the
FN key.