Special Programming Options
The KE72 features several special commands that may be included
in the configuration file to dictate the way inputs react and how the
Trackball interface is treated in the model KE72-T. These special
commands may be placed anywhere within the configuration file
and in any order.
Input Preload Option -
If this line is present in the configuration file, the KE72 will ignore
any switches that are on at power up or reset if the Y setting is
used. Having inputs on at power up may cause keyboard error
messages on some PCs. With this option set to Y, an active input
at power on is ignored until it is deactivated. At this point, the
input will respond normally when activated and deactivated. Note
that not specifying this setting in the configuration file is the same
as stating PREL:N.
The KE72-T Trackball header accepts a wide variety of Trackball
devices. In order to provide the most in the way of compatibility,
the KE72-T allows for the reversal of the direction of movement
from either the “X” (side to side) axis and the “Y” (up and down)
axis through simple settings in the configuration file.
Trackball X direction reversal (KE72-T only) -
The reported direction of the X axis of the trackball may be reversed
by including a line REVX:Y in the configuration file. If this option is
not specified, that is the same as defining REVX:N.
Trackball Y direction reversal (KE72-T only) -
The reported direction of the Y axis of the trackball may be reversed
by including a line REVY:Y in the configuration file. If this option is
not specified, that is the same as defining REVY:N.
KE72LOAD sample.txt k
The command line above will load the configuration contained in
the file “sample.txt” to the KE72 through the PC keyboard port.
The options for <port> are the following:
- Keyboard port
- Use Com 1 to load the configuration
- Use Com 2 to load the configuration
- Use Com 3 to load the configuration (Win version)
- Use Com 4 to load the configuration (Win version)
- Use Com 5 to load the configuration (Win version)
- Use Com 6 to load the configuration (Win version)
Note that for loading through the serial port a Male/Female
straight through cable must be used to connect from the KE72
serial port to the Com port of the PC where the program is being
run. While loading from a command line, a series of “.......”
characters are sent which indicate the progress of the loading.
option suppresses the confirmation “.......” characters sent
as progress indicators when loading from a command line. Error
messages will still be shown if they occur during loading.
option is the same as the /e option except that error
messages are supressed as well.
option reads the current KE72 configuration instead of
loading the configuration. The configuration currently residing in
the KE72 is written to the file named in the command line.
Example: KE72LOAD current.txt 5 /r
Will read the configuration from the KE72 using Com 5 and create
a file named “current.txt” which will hold the text representation of
the configuration.