while the input is held active. The rate at which the input will
repeat is the same rate dictated by the system to the keyboard.
Use this delimeter to send the input response to the serial
port instead of emulating keystrokes. The sample.txt file included
on the KE72 CD provides extended examples of the serial port
function. The <S> option must follow the : or | character on the
input definition line.
will send an ASCII “F” out of the KE72 serial
port when the input #5 is activated. In addition to an ASCII
character, a numeric value may be specified for the byte to be
sent. ex:
will send a one byte value of 0xDC.
Inputs on the KE72 may be programmed to send up to 32 keystrokes
when activated, and up to 16 when the input is released.
Types “pressed” when input 28 activates
Types “released” when input 28 deactivates
The key to be emulated is always inserted between square
brackets. The following list summarizes the associated key names
for keystrokes that are used in a KE72 Configuration File. All
other keys are represented by their direct equivalent (ex: A = A
key, B = B Key, etc.)
[Shift] =
Left Shift [LShift] =
Left Shift
[RShift] =
Right Shift
[Ctrl] =
Left Ctrl
[LCtrl] =
Left Ctrl [RCtrl] =
Right Ctrl
Left Alt
[LAlt] =
Left Alt
[RAlt] =
Right Alt [Esc] =
F1 key
F2 key
F3 key
F4 key
F5 key
F6 key
message to prevent a stuck key. The KE72 responds with a
“!” character after each byte is received in this mode. Always
wait for the “!” acknowledgement before sending additional
communication to the serial port.
NOTE: Serial data in and out of the KE72 serial port is always at 9600 Baud, 8
bit characters, No Parity, and one stop bit. No hardware handshaking is used.
Custom versions are available, please contact us with your requirements.
- Use this one byte command to set the serial translation
mode to ASCII to Keystroke. This mode is also the default mode
at power on or reset. The KE72 responds with “!” to acknowledge
receipt of this command.
- This command will set the KE72 serial translation mode
in Key Number to Keystroke. While in this mode, a single byte is
sent to the KE72 serial port which corresponds to the up or down
state of a particular key. Once this command byte is received by
the KE72, the serial mode will be in the key number mode until
changed by the 0xC2 command, a reset to the PC occurs, or the
PC is powered down and back up. The KE72 acknowledges re-
ceipt of this command with the “!” character.
- Use this command to poll the KE72 for the current se-
rial translation mode. When the KE72 receives this command,
a character is returned by the KE72 which indicates the current
serial to keystroke mode.
”1” (0x31) is returned in response to the 0XC4 command if the KE72 is
operating in the ASCII to Keystroke mode.
“2” (0X32) is returned in response to the 0XC4 command if the KE72 is
operating in the Key Number to Keystroke mode.
- Input state command. When this serial command is
received by the KE72, a string of 9 bytes are transmitted on the
serial port which indicate the current debounced status of each of
the 72 inputs on the KE72. The first byte returned in response to