following line demonstrates programming a multiple key response
to an input.
IN43:[D] [I] [R] [ENTER]
The above line in the text file will program input #43 to send a
sequence of “DIR” followed by the Enter key each time the input
is activated.
Inputs may also be programmed to send a response when the in-
put is de-activated as well as when the input is activated. The line
above will program input #2 to send an “A” key when the input is
activated and a “J” key when the input is released.
NOTE: The | character is used after the input number to define the
response for the input when it is deactivated.
Using the line above in a configuration file will set input #3 to
send the “G” key when the input is de-activated. No response will
be generated by input #3 when it is activated when programmed
as shown.
There are several delimeters that may be used in the KE72 text file
to futher define the character response. The following is a list of
these delimeter options with examples for each.
This option indicates that a “make” or press of the key only
is to be done. Use this function to give the appearance of a key
being held down.
will emulate the press of the Ctrl key. Always be sure
to send a release of any key that has been sent as a make only.
(see the next example of the (-) key release option.)
Appendix A:
Specifi cations
Operating Voltage
5 Volts DC +/-5%, Supplied from PS/2
Operating Current
80 ma Typical
0 to 70 Degrees C
Input Header
72 individual inputs divided between
two 2 x 20 headers. .025” square pins
spaced at .100”
Required Input
1.2 ma sink current typical
Input Active Time
The input must be active for at least 20
msec to be considered valid.
Dia (4)
Note: All dimensions are in inches.