Assembling the body/wall cabinet
Technical changes reserved
Wall installation options
The wall cabinet can be attached to the wall in 3 different ways:
With the aid of built-in wall supports
Via the elongated holes on the sides of the body
Using VZ405N hollow wall anchors (accessory)
Attaching the wall cabinet to the wall with the aid of built-in wall supports
The wall cabinet can be screwed into the wall with the aid of the built-in wall
supports (which are bent back). Each 3- to 6-row wall cabinet contains
4 supports and each 7- and 8-row wall cabinet contains 6 supports.
Wall cabinets with bent back wall supports
Attaching the wall cabinet directly to the wall via the elongated holes on the
sides of the body
The wall cabinet can be directly attached to the wall via the elongated holes on
the sides of the body.
Wall cabinet ready to be attached to the wall
via the elongated holes on the sides of the body