2.4.3 Downloading and Printing Test Results
Downloading Test Results
Transfer the test results from the BODTrak to the computer by
sending the appropriate set channel command to select the
channel to be downloaded. For example, if you want to download
the data from channel 1, type S1 followed by a carriage return.
Then type GA, followed by a carriage return. If the information
does not download, adjust the communication software settings
as follows (main headings in bold, subheadings in italics):
Terminal Emulation - select “VT-100”
Terminal Preferences - select “line wrap”; “sound”; “80
columns”; “block” and “blink” (cursor); “Fixedsys 15” (font);
“None” (translation); “Show scroll bars”; “Use function,
arrow, and control keys for Windows”; “399” (buffer lines)
NOTE: Be sure to check “inbound” and “outbound” in Terminal
Preferences to establish the PC/BODTrak connection. Then return to
“Settings - Terminal Preferences” and uncheck “inbound” and
“outbound” after communication is established.
Text Transfers - select “standard flow control”
Binary Transfers - select “XModem/CRC”
Communications - select “9600” (baud rate); “8” (data bits);
“None” (parity); “None” (flow control); “Com 1” or “Com 2”
(connector); “1” (stop bits)
Receive Text File - choose directory and name file
Data Format
When a result array is downloaded, all data from the test and a
carriage return are sent without pause. The receiving device must
be able to accept this data as an uninterrupted transmission at
9600 baud. No provision is made for stopping the data flow.
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Summary of Contents for BODTrak
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