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The Habys Upright Chiro Z7 sta�onary table is a professional table for chiroprac�c, manual techniques and 

osteopathy. Thanks to a wide range of adjustments in various planes, segments for "drop" techniques and an 

electric top li�ing system, the table is a perfect complement to the therapist's work.

Due to its design solu�ons and func�ons, the product should be used by personnel qualified in the field of 

manual therapy, chiroprac�c or osteopathy.


The metal structure of the table should be cleaned with a damp cloth and mild cleaning agents. The elements 

of the upholstery should be cleaned with generally available agents intended for cleaning upholstery. Do not 

use harsh chemicals and those based on alcohol.


Product components:

1. Frame - strong and durable structure made of a steel bearing frame covered with a varnish coa�ng.

2. Support elements - made of 40 [mm] integral foam.

3. Electric system for li�ing the table top in the range of 55 - 97 [cm], adjustment by means of:

  - central control frame;

  - handheld remote (addi�onal op�on).

1. Please read the instruc�ons before using the product.

2. Before using, place the product on a flat surface.

3. Before use, make sure that the product does not wobble or �lt, and that all elements are  


  properly a�ached and �ghtened.

4. Do not use the product if any of the product components are malfunc�oning or damaged.

5. Do not stand or jump on the product.

6. Do not put fingers or other parts of the body into the area of the regula�on mechanisms.

7. Do not expose the product to strong sunlight.

8. Do not use the product in extreme temperature and humidity condi�ons.

9. Do not allow the product to be loaded with a pressure greater than the maximum specified in the  

  technical parameters, ie 200 [kg].

10. A�er bringing the table from a cold room, connect it to the mains a�er wai�ng 15 minutes.

11. It is recommended that the table be fully adjusted in height from minimum to maximum to  


    ensure even distribu�on of the lubricant inside the motor. This ensures proper table   


    maintenance and extends the engine life. The opera�on should be repeated 2 or 4 �mes min.    

    once a week.

12. Do not remove the plug from the socket by pulling the cord.

13. Use the product only in accordance with its intended purpose, in the event of use other than    

    that specified in this manual, there is a serious risk of injury, damage to health and damage to    

    the product.

14. Do not make any modifica�ons or repairs to the product, do not disassemble the product.

15. In the event of finding any defects, immediately contact the manufacturer and do not use the    

    product un�l the defect is remedied.

16. No contraindica�ons for the use of the product only a�er mee�ng the above recommenda�ons.

17. Each serious incident related to the device should be reported to the manufacturer and the  


    Office for Registra�on of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products.

Summary of Contents for Upright Chiro Z7

Page 1: ...D Instrukcja obs ugi stacjonarnego sto u do chiropraktyki Upright Chiro Z7 Stationary chiropractic table Upright Chiro Z7 User Manual Numer instrukcji User Manual number 002 2022 Data wydania instrukc...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...obu w przypadku stwierdzenia niepoprawnego funkcjonowania b d uszkodzenia kt rejkolwiek z cz ci sk adowych wyrobu 5 Nie stawa ani nie skaka po wyrobie 6 Nie wk ada palc w i innych cz ci cia a w obszar...

Page 4: ...rtu Je li by by on uszkodzony nie pod cza go i powiadomi sprzedawc 2 Pod czenie do sieci elektrycznej Przed w o eniem wtyczki do gniazdka zasilania elektrycznego nale y upewni si czy gniazdko ma odpow...

Page 5: ...ja wysoko ci sto u ram steruj c Sterowanie odbywa si poprzez przesuni cie i przytrzymanie dowolnego miejsca ramy za pomoc stopy w pionie do g ry lub d Rama steruj ca jest umiejscowiona wok podstawy st...

Page 6: ...ckji drop Przed przyst pieniem do technik drop po ozy pacjenta na brzuchu upewni si e pozycja pacj ta jest bezpieczna wszelkie elementy asekuracyjne pasy podg wek pod okietniki zosta y dopasowane do a...

Page 7: ...o obydwu stronach pod t sekcj sto u Wykona technik drop miednicy poprzez szybki i energiczny ucisk kt ry wymusi opadni cie sekcji sto u Si a reakcji techniki drop mo e by regulowana poprzez ustawienie...

Page 8: w tym segmencie pokr t o zablokowa zgodnie ze schematem 9 Regulacja podn ka System regulacji podn ka pozwala uzyka dogodn dla pacjenta pozycj poprzez mo liwo dwup aszczyznowego ruchu Ruch podn ka r...

Page 9: ...bezpiecze stwa St wyposa ony jest w wy cznik bezpiecze stwa rys 19 Po przekr ceniu kluczyka do pozycji zamkni tej k dki zostaje wy czony dop yw pr du do sto u VII UTYLIZACJA Rys 19 Zgodnie z przepisam...

Page 10: ...eniu lub na osobie jakie mo e spowodowa u ywanie takiego sprz tu 8 Gwarancja nie wy cza ani nie ogranicza uprawnie wynikaj cych z niezgodno ci towaru z umow 9 Zasi g ochrony gwarancyjnej ograniczony j...

Page 11: ...not use the product if any of the product components are malfunc oning or damaged 5 Do not stand or jump on the product 6 Do not put ngers or other parts of the body into the area of the regula on me...

Page 12: ...any damage during transport If it is damaged do not connect it and no fy your dealer 2 Connec on to the power network Before inser ng the plug into a power outlet make sure that the socket is properl...

Page 13: ...g frame The steering is done by moving and holding any point of the frame with the foot ver cally up or down The steering frame is located around the base of the table By sliding the frame down the ta...

Page 14: ...p func on Before star ng the drop techniques lay the pa ent on his stomach make sure that the pa ent s posi on is safe all belaying elements belts headrest armrests have been adjusted to the pa ent s...

Page 15: ...s convenience the lever is located on both sides under this table sec on Perform the pelvic drop technique with a quick and vigorous pressure that will force the table sec on to lower The reac on forc...

Page 16: to the diagram 9 Footrest adjustment The footrest adjustment system allows to obtain a posi on convenient for the pa ent through the possibility of two plane movement The movement of the footrest i...

Page 17: ...quipped with a safety switch Fig 19 A er turning the key to the closed padlock posi on the power supply to the table is turned o VII UTILIZATION Fig 19 In accordance with the provisions of the law on...

Page 18: ...of transporta on shall be borne by the Purchaser if complaint is jus ed 8 In order to enjoy guarantee rights it shall be necessary to ful ll the following four condi ons jointly a Produc on of an invo...

Page 19: ......

Page 20: ...intang Industrial Co Ltd Linsheng Road No 136 Tinglin Town Jinshan District Shanghai China Made in China Authorized Representa ve HABYS Sp z o o ul Produkcyjna 16 38 200 Jas o tel 48 13 44 62 788 biur...
