4. Headrest adjustment.
The headrest adjustment system is based on the opera�on of a gas spring, a�er releasing the yellow lever, set
the headrest in the desired posi�on.
For horizontal movement (trac�on), unlock the knob on the right side of the headrest frame. A�er finishing
work in this segment, lock the knob according to the diagram.
5. Adjus�ng the armrests.
Adjustment is made by releasing the lock and moving the armrest to the desired height.
6. Using the drop func�on.
Before star�ng the drop techniques, lay the pa�ent on his stomach, make sure that the pa�ent's posi�on is
safe, all belaying elements (belts, headrest, armrests) have been adjusted to the pa�ent's anatomy.
The technique should be performed only by qualified personnel, improper execu�on of the technique may
result in permanent injury to the pa�ent.
Drop for the cervical sec�on (Fig. 6).
Raise the cervical sec�on using the lever located at the front of the headrest.
Perform the cervical vertebrae drop technique by rapidly and vigorously compressing the cervical segment,
which will force the cervical sec�on of the table to drop.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Fig. 5
Fig. 3 Fig. 4