Completion and pres treating woodwork
Once you have completed the window and door fittings, fix the facing panels to the frames to cover the slits
above the windows and door inside and outside the cabin. We stress the importance of mounting them on the
framework and not on the wall timbers, to allow the structure room to "settle".
Please ensure that your summer house is kept well ventilated, especially the base construction, to preserve it
from dampness and rot.
Please note that we have designed the windows with removable crossbars, to make cleaning the window or
painting the frame easier. Care should be taken when removing and replacing the window cross, since it is a
tight fit.
Regular visual checks help to avoid damage before it occurs. Please remember that fitting adjustments to the
different parts are an unavoidable part of the care programme.
Please paint or treat your cabin as soon as possible after assembling. We recommend a micro-porous wood
varnish or paint. In the corners particularly, a coat of preservative can provide added protection against rot
(ask for advice in your DIY centre and follow the paint manufacturer's instructions for use). Blue-stain
inhibitor is highly recommendable even for inside walls.
Otherwise, good ventilation and the avoidance of waterlogging are still the best protection for wood!
We wish you a lot of pleasure from your Luzern.
We reserve the right to amend the technical specification.