© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
AT 900 C/M and AT 900 MQ
10. Swing the illumination unit to the left.
11. Bring the tonometer from the right in front of the microsco-
pe into the measuring position located by a notch.
12. Swing the illumination unit from the left to touch the holder
of the tonometer. This is the only position of the illumination
unit permitting perfect tonometric examination of the left and
right eye of the patient (no 60° position). This position facilita-
tes the opening of the lids of the patient by the examiner where
this procedure is necessary for measurement. The illuminati-
on of the applanated surface is practically free of reflections
through the measuring prism.
Examination • with AT 900 C/M through the left ocular
• with AT 900 BQ through the right ocular
AT 900 M/Q
10. During examinations with the tonometer, the angle between
the illumination unit and the microscope in the left or right ocu-
lar, should be 60° approximately, so that the image appears
bright and free of reflections. Other solution: illumination from
the back at about 10°.
AT 870
10. Swing the pressure arm with the prism attached into the
beam path of the illumination unit and the microscope.
Bring the blue filter into the beam path of the illumination
unit in the slit lamp and open the slit diaphragm completely. The
angle between illumination unit and microscope should be 60°
approx., so that the image appears bright and free of reflections.
Other solution: illumination from the back at about 10°.
12. The microscope is to be adjusted before the examination
and according to the refraction divergence of the examiner,
so that the fluorescein rings are observed sharply focused du
ring the examination.
13. Turn the measuring drum to setting 1.
14. Use average illumination strength.
Instructions to the patient
1. The face of the patient should be firmly held against the
chin and forehead rests. A headband to hold the head can
also be used.
2. Instruct the patient to look straight ahead. If necessary use
the fixation target to steady the eyes.
3. It is recommended that the patient is repeatedly asked to
keep his eyes wide open during the examination. If need be the
examiner may hold open the lids of the examined eye with his
fingers provided that no pressure is applied to the eye.
The angle between the microscope and the illumination unit is to
be reduced to around 10°also on models AT 900 M/Q and AT 870,
whereby the light beam will go through the body of the prism.
A reflection-free image should be ensured.
AT 900 C/M
AT 900 M/Q
AT 900 BQ
AT 870
AT 900 C/M
AT 900 M/Q
AT 900 BQ
AT 870
AT 900 C/M
AT 900 M/Q AT 900 BQ
AT 870