© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
3 Operating
It is imperative to read the chapter 'Safety' and
to observe its precautions before operating
the equipment.
Perfect functioning can only be guaranteed
with the use of an original Haag-Streit prism.
Sterilised fluorescein paper strips should
always be used, as pathogenic exciters thrive
well in fluorescein solutions.
Should the measuring prism come into
contact with the cornea without the drum ha-
ving previously been correctly set, vibrations
can occur in the feeler arm, which will produce
unpleasant feelings for the patient.
Preparing the patient
1. Both eyes must always be anesthetised (e.g. 2-3 drops each
of an anesthetic within half a minute) to reduce movements of
the lids during examination.
2. Place a fluorescein paper strip near the external canthus in
the lower conjunctival sac. After a few seconds the lacrimal fluid
is sufficiently coloured and the paper can be removed.
When using drops, a solution of sodium fluorescein 0.25 % to
0.5 % is advisable. Should you wish to instil a solution of 1 %
or 2 %, introduce a small amount of liquid into the conjunctival
sac by means of a glass rod.
3. Place the head of the patient on the chin rest.
Preparation of the equipment
For all Haag-Streit slit lamps and tonometers
4. Before measuring, make sure that the eyepieces are cor-
rectly focused.
5. Set the magnification at 10x.
6. Set the power supply / the potentiometer of the illumination
to minimum position.
7. Bring the blue filter into the beam of the slit lamp and open
the slit diaphragm completely.
8. The feeler arm should be so engaged that the axis of the
measuring prism and the microscope are convergent.
9. Turn the measuring drum to setting 1.
AT 900 C/M AT 900 M/Q AT 900 BQ
AT 870