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Set the interval to send
Advertisement packets
dldp interval
5 seconds by default
The interval to send Advertisement packets applies to all DLDP-enabled ports.
To enable DLDP to operate properly, make sure the intervals to send Advertisement packets on both sides
of a link are the same.
Setting the DelayDown timer
On some ports, when the Tx line fails, the port goes down and then comes up again, causing optical
signal jitters on the Rx line. When a port goes down due to a Tx failure, the switch transits to the
DelayDown state instead of the Inactive state to prevent the corresponding neighbor entries from being
removed. At the same time, the switch triggers the DelayDown timer. If the port goes up before the timer
expires, the switch restores the original state; if the port remains down when the timer expires, the switch
transits to the Inactive state.
Follow these steps to set the DelayDown timer
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Set the DelayDown timer
dldp delaydown-timer
1 second by default
DelayDown timer setting applies to all DLDP-enabled ports.
Setting the port shutdown mode
On detecting a unidirectional link, the ports can be shut down in one of the following two modes.
Manual mode. This mode applies to low performance networks, where normal links may be treated
as unidirectional links. It protects data traffic transmission against false unidirectional links. In this
mode, DLDP only detects unidirectional links but does not automatically shut down unidirectional
link ports. Instead, the DLDP state machine generates log and traps to prompt you to manually shut
down unidirectional link ports with the
command. H3C recommends you do as prompted.
Then the DLDP state machine transits to the Disable state.
Auto mode. In this mode, when a unidirectional link is detected, DLDP transits to Disable state,
generates log and traps, and sets the port state to DLDP Down.
Follow these steps to set port shutdown mode:
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