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Enable Ethernet OAM remote
loopback on a specified port
oam loopback interface
interface-type interface-number
Disabled by default.
Enable Ethernet OAM remote loopback in interface view
Follow these steps to enable Ethernet OAM remote loopback in interface view:
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Use the command…
Enter system view
Enter Layer 2 Ethernet port view
Enable Ethernet OAM remote
loopback on the port
oam loopback
Disabled by default.
Use this function with caution because enabling Ethernet OAM remote loopback impacts other services.
Ethernet OAM remote loopback is available only after the Ethernet OAM connection is established and
can be performed only by the Ethernet OAM entities operating in active Ethernet OAM mode.
Remote loopback is available only on full-duplex links that support remote loopback at both ends.
Ethernet OAM remote loopback needs the support of the peer hardware.
Enabling Ethernet OAM remote loopback interrupts data communications. After Ethernet OAM remote
loopback is disabled, all the ports involved will shut down and then come up. Ethernet OAM remote
loopback is disabled when you execute the
undo oam enable
command to disable Ethernet OAM,
when you execute the
oam loopback interface
oam loopback
command to disable
Ethernet OAM remote loopback, or when the Ethernet OAM connection times out.
Ethernet OAM remote loopback is only applicable to individual links. It is not applicable to link
aggregation member ports or service loopback group member ports. In addition, do not assign ports
where Ethernet OAM remote loopback is being performed to link aggregation groups or service
loopback groups. For more information about link aggregation groups and service loopback groups,
see the
Layer 2
LAN Switching Configuration Guide.
Enabling internal loopback test on a port in remote loopback test can terminate the remote loopback
test. For more information about loopback test, see the
Layer 2
LAN Switching Configuration Guide.
Rejecting the Ethernet OAM remote loopback request from a
remote port
The Ethernet OAM remote loopback function impacts other services. To solve this problem, you can
disable a port from being controlled by the Loopback Control OAMPDUs sent by a remote port. The local
port then rejects the Ethernet OAM remote loopback request from the remote port.
Follow these steps to reject the Ethernet OAM remote loopback request from a remote port: