The output shows that when the status of track entry 1 becomes
, Switch A is the master and
Switch B the backup.
# When the uplink of Switch A goes down, the status of track entry 1 becomes
<SwitchA> display track 1
Track ID: 1
Status: Negative
Duration: 0 days 0 hours 1 minutes 40 seconds
Notification delay: Positive 0, Negative 0 (in seconds)
Reference object:
BFD session:
Packet type: Echo
Interface : Vlan-interface2
Remote IP :
Local IP :
# Display the detailed information of VRRP group 1 on Switch A.
<SwitchA> display vrrp verbose
IPv4 Standby Information:
Run Mode : Standard
Run Method : Virtual MAC
Total number of virtual routers : 1
Interface Vlan-interface2
VRID : 1 Adver Timer : 1
Admin Status : Up State : Backup
Config Pri : 110 Running Pri : 90
Preempt Mode : Yes Delay Time : 0
Auth Type : None
Virtual IP :
Master IP :
VRRP Track Information:
Track Object : 1 State : Negative Pri Reduced : 20
# Display the detailed information of VRRP group 1 on Switch B.
<SwitchB> display vrrp verbose
IPv4 Standby Information:
Run Mode : Standard
Run Method : Virtual MAC
Total number of virtual routers : 1
Interface Vlan-interface2
VRID : 1 Adver Timer : 1
Admin Status : Up State : Master
Config Pri : 100 Running Pri : 100
Preempt Mode : Yes Delay Time : 0
Auth Type : None
Virtual IP :
Virtual MAC : 0000-5e00-0101
Master IP :
The output shows that when Switch A detects that the uplink fails through BFD, it decreases its priority by
20 to ensure that Switch B can preempt as the master.