THe FollowinG PreProGrammeD
moDeS are aVailaBle:
1. moDe 0:
factory presets. The factory presets
are installed when no key is pressed in the battery is
inserted into the device:
Operating frequency: 868.35 MHz
Transmission: continuous operation. The transmissi-
on lasts as long as the button is pressed.
2. moDe 1:
mode that is installed when button “1”
is pressed when inserting the battery:
Operating frequency: 869.05 MHz
Transmission: continuous operation. The transmissi-
on lasts as long as the button is pressed.
3. moDe 2:
mode that is installed when button “2”
is pressed when inserting the battery:
Operating frequency: 869.55 MHz
Transmission: continuous operation. The transmissi-
on lasts as long as the button is pressed
4. moDe 3:
mode that is installed when button “3”
is pressed when inserting the battery:
Operating frequency: 868.35MHz
Transmission: timed operation. The transmission
lasts approx 250mS when the button is pressed and
then switches off.
5. moDe 4:
mode that is installed when button “4”
is pressed when inserting the battery:
Operating frequency: 869.05MHz
Transmission: timed operation. The transmission
lasts approx 250mS when the button is pressed and
then switches off.
moDe 5:
mode that is installed when button “5” is
pressed when inserting the battery:
Operating frequency: 869.55MHz
Transmission: timed operation. The transmission
lasts approx 250mS when the button is pressed and
then switches off.
the timed operation mode (mode 3, 4, 5) is
the battery saving mode for the transmitter. The conti-
nuous pressing of a button will not deplete the battery.
5. ranGe oF THe DeVice
The transmitter/receiver operates in the 868 MHz range
which is also used by other radio services. Therefore
it can happen that devices operating on the same or
adjacent frequencies can result in limitations on the
operations of the range. The range of wireless remote
controls depends on several factors. The specified
range is the free-field range meaning the distance in the
line of sight between transmitter and receiver. In reality
however, walls, ceilings, cars and other obstructions
can be between transmitter and receiver, reducing the
range accordingly.
PoSSiBle cauSeS For a reDuceD ranGe:
Walls, ceilings through which this signal has to
pass and especially the material of which they are
made of.
Insulating windows in the car.
Other radio sources operating on the same frequency
can significantly reduce the range (headphones, baby
monitors etc.).
Interference of microprocessors from computers,
satellite receivers, TVs, photocopiers and other
electronic devices. (The receiver should have
enough distance from such devices)
Conductive metal parts that are located near the
receivers or are near or within the direct path of the
transmitted signal. E.g. radiators, insulated glass
windows, enforced concrete walls and floors.
The receiver should not be placed near large
motors. These can cause massive interference.
All devices emitting a high frequency disturbance
of all kinds.
Buildings and vegetation.
The influence of the transmission pattern of the
antenna of the transmitter and receiver through
conductive surfaces or objects (including human
bodies or soil).