Operating manual
Translation of the original
2 - Priming:
• Adjustable from -2 to 8. Acts directly on the substation power converter setpoint.
• At 0 (default value), the product ensures optimum ignition without risk of arcing when the insert is lifted while limiting
the short-circuit current.
• Slightly increase ignition in case of repeated arc break.
3 -
Stripping: Time setting (in milliseconds), and stripping current. To see §
4 for explanations.
4 -
Arc: Time setting (in milliseconds), and arc current. See § 4 for explanations.
5 - Hook:
• Adjustable from -2 to 8. Acts directly on the substation power converter setpoint.
• At 0 (default value), the product ensures optimum grip of the electrode on the support plate
6 - Height:
• Height (in millimeters) of lift of the added part during welding.
Too high a height will accentuate the arc blow (see §
5.7). Too low a height exposes the weld to a short circuit due to
the deformation of the end of the stud during welding.
One press of the button
validates the welding settings and returns the machine to the manual welding screen.
Press the back button
to ignore the settings and return to the Main Menu.
It is possible to save up to 99 different welding configurations whether synergic or manual.
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Press the G and G- keys to move the left cursor and select one of the 4 functions of the Programs menu (Save, Re
call, Delete, Delete all).
Pressing the button
opens the pointed function.
Press the back button
to return to the Main Menu.
When a weld setup is saved or recalled, “Prog” followed by the program number is displayed on the weld screen (sy-
nergic or manual).