gives you access to all the module's configuration options. You can use this
Web interface over any network connection using the HTTP or HTTPS
protocols. Alternatively, you can log in to the DCM's Linux operating system
and issue commands directly: see
Section 6.2, “Command line tools”
Web setup
The DCM provides a Web interface which you can use to set up the system. To
access this from anywhere on the local network, open any web browser and
navigate to the IP address of the DCM. For example, if the DCM has the
you would enter
https is a secure variant of the http protocol, which ensures that network traffic
cannot be read in transit. The DCM as supplied accepts connections only over
https, although this may be altered if required (see
“HTTP server” in Section
Your browser may ask you for a username and password to access the Web
configuration interface. An initial root username and password will have been
supplied by Güralp Systems; however, you should check with the DCM's
administrator what username you should use. On a clean install of the Linux
distribution, the password for
Once you have logged in, you will see a Web page similar to this:
The work area on the right displays a summary of the DCM's current state,
including a report on network traffic (produced by the Linux
command), details on the services provided by its internal serial ports, and
Issue A