Operator - 6
The RadaScan User Console screen has five key areas:
The Sensor display
The Navigation section
The Status bar
The Property sheet
The Button bar
Screen layout
Property pages
Provides detailed
information on a number of
different topics and uses two
tabbed pages to group
Sensor display
A large circular area, rather
like a radar sweep display,
that shows the relationship
between the RadaScan
vessel and any targets that
are in view.
Button bar
A collection of nine buttons
that provide, or control, a
range of functions.
The pages that follow
provide explanations of each
of the five key screen areas
and the elements presented
within them.
Status bar
Provides important feedback information on various topics and
displays the date and time that the situation was first reported.
Navigation section
This section provides
navigation information in a
simple clear manner
whenever the system is
Positional data display
Radascan Operators Manual 20/11/06 1:46 pm Page 6