Doc No 93-0491-4
PAGE 9 OF 21
Disconnect the SMA cable from the SUM mixer and attach the Noise Source and lock-off with a SMA spanner.
Disconnect the SMB SUM channel output to ICB cable and attach to one side of the ‘T’ piece adaptor. Place
the SMB to SMB test lead from the ‘T’ piece adaptor to the SUM channel output. Connect the ‘T’ piece adaptor
to the input of the HP 8447A, connect the output into the spectrum analyzer.
Set the spectrum analyser to following settings:
Centre Frequency: 30MHz
Span: 20MHz
Amplitude: Ref level -50dBm / Amplitude 5dB per division
Bandwidth: 1MHz
Trace Detector: Trace Average (100/100)
Marker: 30MHz
Power up the Artemis unit and put into operating mode, Selecting F0 remote station.
With the noise source powered off, you will get a flat filter response shown above. If the filter response is not
flat then there is something wrong in the build.
Note down the signal level (-75.268dB). Power up the noise source and note down the signal level (-
Noise Source - Off
Noise Source - On