Doc No 93-0491-4
PAGE 11 OF 21
Disconnect the SMB SUM channel output to ICB cable and attach to one side of the ‘T’ piece adaptor
Disconnect the SMB DIF channel output to ICB cable and attach to one side
of the ‘T’ piece adaptor.
Connect a 20dB attenuator onto the output of the HP 8116A Pulse / Function generator. Connect a ‘T’ piece
adaptor to the 20dB attenuator. Connect the spectrum analyzer to the Function generator ‘T’ piece. Connect
the SUM / DIFF ‘T’ piece to the Function generator ‘T’ piece.
Set the spectrum analyser to following settings:
Centre Frequency: 30MHz
Span: 50MHz
Amplitude: Ref level 0dBm / Amplitude 10dB per division
Bandwidth: 1MHz
Trace Detector: Trace Average (100/100)
Marker: 30MHz
Use the spectrum analyzer to set-up the function generator (the spectrum analyzer will most likely be the only
calibrated piece of test equipment)
Set the function generator to sine wave, change the frequency till the peak of the output is at 30MHz. As you
can see in the picture the function generator is set to 31.7MHz to get the 30MHz output, the numbers and
output don’t quite tie up which is why the calibrated spectrum analyzer is used to check / setup the output.
Once the frequency is set adjust the AMP setting to adjust the output power to -20dBm.
Power up the Artemis, then using the ASI software set to operating mode.
Open the parameters tab and in the two parameter boxes type
‘suml’ and ‘difl’
These should be approximately the same value but the limits for both are slightly different.
The SUM channel is 10,000 ± 1% (9900 to 10100)
The DIF channel is 10,000 ± 5% (9500 to 10500)
Note down the SUM and DIF levels in section 4.5 of the build record.