Any technical questions?
Do you need spare parts or operation manual?
Go to our website
and the section
will help you quickly and without bureaucracy. Please, help us to
help you. In order to identify your device in case of complaint, please indicate serial number, order number and year of
manufacture. All information is available on the product label. To have all information always at hand, put them down.
Serial number:
Order number:
Year of manufacture:
+49 (0) 79 04 / 700-360
+49 (0) 79 04 / 700-51999
A warranty period of 12 months applies to commercial use and 24 months apply to private use and commences on the day of
purchase of the device.
Warranty applies exclusively to failures due to defective material or workmanship. An original sale slip with indication of date of
sale must be presented in case of claiming for the warranty rights.
Warranty does not cover unprofessional use such as device overload, violent use, damage caused by third party or foreign
materials, failure to comply with operations and assembly manual, and normal wear and tear.