Updated: 11/7/18
beam is the consumer-facing master technology brand under which all beam products fall.
beam Home
beam Home refers to the beam iOS and Android app.
BlinkUp is the process in which users program their controller and connect to WiFi.
The controller ports and LEDs are referenced as the following.
Opener port
DC IN port
WiFi status
Power indicator
Front LED
Installation Guide
A physical, multi-page instruction manual that directs users through the installation process. It is included in every
V2 box for all brands.
Invited User
Users who have been invited to access a garage door by an account owner.
IFTTT (If This Then That). Is an integration with sets of actions, Applets, with which users can connect to their
beam account.
Sensor Code
The code that users scan during setup, found on the back of their wireless door sensor.
A shorthand to refer to a wireless network.
The controller connects wireless to a user’s WiFi network.
Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.