Using the headset
For hands free operation, a stereo headset is included with the GSMK
CryptoPhone. You can plug it in any time, before or during a call, how-
ever you may terminate an ongoing call under some conditions when
inserting the headset plug off-angle. The headset cable connector sock-
et is on the right side of the device. GSMK does not provide support for
problems caused by using headsets other than the one supplied with
your CryptoPhone.
Bluetooth headset
The CryptoPhone G10i has a Bluetooth interface. While it is possible to
use a Bluetooth headset for making normal unencrypted phone calls,
a bluetooth headset can not be used during encrypted calls. The rea-
son is that with a Bluetooth headset you would broadcast the contents
of your confidential calls before they have reached the encryption en-
gine in the CryptoPhone. Bluetooth radio signals can be received over
several hundred meters and decrypted with moderately sophisticated
equipment, so an attacker could listen to your calls easily. The encryp-
tion used with Bluetooth is no hurdle for a determined adversary and
does not offer sufficient protection. We recommend using a wire based
headset when placing secure calls.