In general, you will achieve shorter delays by switching the call type to
Fast (see Switching the Calltype, page 19).
Reasons for longer than normal delay are usually either bad GSM cov-
erage or network congestion. Network congestion can often be cir-
cumvented by setting up the call again, sometimes you just get a »bad
line«. The GSM data call mode, used by the CryptoPhone to transport
the encrypted voice data during a call, has a certain delay, caused by
the architecture of the GSM network. The GSM network handles data
with lower priority than voice transmissions.
So even if the delay indicator is green, there is always a certain notice-
able delay, much like on some transcontinental phone calls. If the over-
all line quality becomes bad, the delay rises and you may experience
»drop outs«. Note that the quality on international calls might not be
as good as on domestic calls. The multiple operators involved in an in-
ternational call often try to minimize their costs by technical measures
that can affect the quality of the call. If the call quality is unaccept-
able, please try calling again. Call quality can also be adversely affected
when using certain GSM providers. It often helps to switch the GSM
provider to achieve better secure call quality. As a rule of thumb, the
larger operators tend to work better than the small ones.
If the Delay indicator becomes reddish or red, please try to find a place