English (GB)
Possible cause
7. Jockey pump does not
start in manual mode
despite power supply.
8. Main and/or jockey pump
deliver(s) no or too little
9. Motor of the main and/or
jockey pump is
overheated or
10. Main and/or jockey pump
make(s) too much noise.
Pumps run unevenly and
11. Leaking shaft seal in
main or jockey pump.
12. Main and/or jockey pump
run(s) backwards after
switching off.
13. Very frequent starts
and stops of the jockey
14. Unexpected start of the
main pump.
a) Selector switch for jockey pump not in position
b) Defective controller.
No indicator lights on.
Turn the selector switch to position “MAN”
Replace the controller.
c) Motor of jockey pump defective.
Check and replace the motor of the jockey
pump, if necessary.
d) Motor of jockey pump overheated due to dry
“JOCKEY ALARM” indicator light on.
e) There is no pressure switch for dry run protection
connected to terminal 53 and 54. Alternative no
cable bridge is mounted.
Check if all isolating valves are open and if the
inlet pressure is sufficient.
Connect the pressure switch for dry run
protection or mount a bridge with a cable
between the terminals 53 and 54.
a) Wrong direction of rotation.
Interchange two phases of the power supply.
b) Inlet pressure too low.
Check the conditions on the suction side. See
also section
7.3 Minimum inlet pressure
c) Leakage in suction line.
Check and repair the suction line.
d) Pump draws in air.
Check the inlet conditions and the gaskets in the
suction line.
e) Suction pipe/pump blocked by impurities.
Clean the suction line and/or the pumps.
a) Isolating valve on the discharge manifold in closed
Open the isolating valve on the discharge valve.
b) Pump blocked by impurities.
Clean the pump.
c) Inlet pressure is too low.
Check the conditions on the suction side. See
also section
7.3 Minimum inlet pressure
d) Air in the suction pipe or pump.
Check the inlet conditions and the gaskets in the
suction line.
e) Motor runs on two phases.
Check the electrical connection.
a) Inlet pressure too low (cavitation).
Check the conditions on the suction side. See
also section
7.3 Minimum inlet pressure
b) Air in suction pipe or pump.
Check the inlet conditions and the gaskets in the
suction line.
c) Foreign bodies in the pump.
Clean the pump.
d) Pump does not rotate freely (frictional resistance)
because of incorrect pump shaft position.
Adjust the pump shaft.
e) Defective pump parts (motor fan, bearings, etc.)
Replace the pump or the defective pump parts.
a) Shaft seal is defective.
a) Leakage in suction line.
Replace the shaft seal.
Repair the suction line.
a) Leakage in the discharge line or leaking sprinklers. Check the discharge line and the sprinklers and
replace defective parts, if necessary.
b) Wrong setting of the pressure switch for the jockey
a) Wrong setting of the pressure switches for the
main pump.
b) Ball valves for testing the pressure switches in
open position.
Set the pressure switch correctly.
Set the pressure switches correctly.
Close the ball valves for testing the pressure
7. Jockey pump does not
start in manual mode
despite power supply.
a) Selector switch for jockey pump not in position
Turn the selector switch to position "MAN"
b) Defective controller.
No indicator lights on.
Replace the controller.
c) Motor of jockey pump defective.
Check and replace the motor of the jockey
pump, if necessary.
d) Motor of jockey pump overheated due to dry
"JOCKEY ALARM" indicator light on.
Check if all isolating valves are open and if the
inlet pressure is sufficient.
e) There is no pressure switch for dry run protection
connected to terminal 53 and 54. Alternative no
cable bridge is mounted.
Connect the pressure switch for dry run
protection or mount a bridge with a cable
between the terminals 53 and 54.
8. Main and/or jockey pump
deliver(s) no or too little
a) Wrong direction of rotation.
Interchange two phases of the power supply.
b) Inlet pressure too low.
Check the conditions on the suction side. See
also section
7.3 Minimum inlet pressure
c) Leakage in suction line.
Check and repair the suction line.
d) Pump draws in air.
Check the inlet conditions and the gaskets in the
suction line.
e) Suction pipe/pump blocked by impurities.
Clean the suction line and/or the pumps.
9. Motor of the main and/or
jockey pump is
overheated or
a) Isolating valve on the discharge manifold in closed
Open the isolating valve on the discharge valve.
b) Pump blocked by impurities.
Clean the pump.
c) Inlet pressure is too low.
Check the conditions on the suction side. See
also section
7.3 Minimum inlet pressure
d) Air in the suction pipe or pump.
Check the inlet conditions and the gaskets in the
suction line.
e) Motor runs on two phases.
Check the electrical connection.
10. Main and/or jockey pump
make(s) too much noise.
Pumps run unevenly and
a) Inlet pressure too low (cavitation).
Check the conditions on the suction side. See
also section
7.3 Minimum inlet pressure
b) Air in suction pipe or pump.
Check the inlet conditions and the gaskets in the
suction line.
c) Foreign bodies in the pump.
Clean the pump.
d) Pump does not rotate freely (frictional resistance)
because of incorrect pump shaft position.
Adjust the pump shaft.
e) Defective pump parts (motor fan, bearings, etc.)
Replace the pump or the defective pump parts.
11. Leaking shaft seal in
main or jockey pump.
a) Shaft seal is defective.
Replace the shaft seal.
12. Main and/or jockey pump
run(s) backwards after
switching off.
a) Leakage in suction line.
Repair the suction line.
13. Very frequent starts and
stops of the jockey
a) Leakage in the discharge line or leaking sprinklers. Check the discharge line and the sprinklers and
replace defective parts, if necessary.
b) Wrong setting of the pressure switch for the jockey
Set the pressure switch correctly.
14. Unexpected start of the
main pump.
a) Wrong setting of the pressure switches for the
main pump.
Set the pressure switches correctly.
b) Ball valves for testing the pressure switches in
open position.
Close the ball valves for testing the pressure
Possible cause