Model G0776 (Mfd. Since 7/14)
2. Open end gear cover and remove all end
gears shown in
Figure 125.
3. Clean end gears thoroughly with mineral
spirits to remove the old grease. Use a small
brush if necessary to clean between teeth.
4. Clean shafts, and wipe away any grease
splatters in vicinity and on inside of end gear
5. Using a clean brush, apply a thin layer of
grease on gears. Make sure to get grease
between gear teeth, but do not fill teeth val-
6. Install end gears and mesh them together
with an approximate 0.002"–0.004" backlash.
Once gears are meshed together, apply a
small dab of grease between them where
they mesh together—this grease will be dis-
tributed when gears rotate and recoat any
areas scraped off during installation.
7. Close end gear cover before reconnecting
lathe to power.
Oil Type .... Grizzly T23962 or ISO 68 Equivalent
Oil Amount ......................................... As Needed
Lubrication Frequency ................................. Daily
Before lubricating the bedways (see
Figure 126),
clean them with mineral spirits. Apply a thin coat
of oil along the length of the bedway. Move the
steady rest, carriage, and tailstock to access the
entire length of the bedways. If the lathe is in a
moist or dirty environment, increase the lubrica-
tion interval.
Longitudinal Leadscrew
Oil Type .... Grizzly T23962 or ISO 68 Equivalent
Oil Amount ......................................... As Needed
Lubrication Frequency ................................. Daily
Before lubricating the leadscrew (see
126), clean it first with mineral spirits. A stiff brush
works well to help clean out the threads. Make
sure to move the carriage out of the way, so you
can clean the entire length of the leadscrew.
Apply a thin coat of oil along the length of the
leadscrew. Use a stiff brush to make sure the oil
is applied evenly and down into the threads.
Note: In some environments, abrasive material
can become caught in the leadscrew lubricant and
drawn into the half nut. In this case, lubricate the
leadscrew with a quality dry lubricant.
Figure 126. Bedways.