In this type of machine the only material harmful for our health is sawdust.
Dust production has been checked by Fachausschuß Holz and is clearly below the currently allowed limit value of 2
The Straightening-Profiling machine has to be used only by people trained for its safe utilization as well as for the
right use of the protecting devices, and who perfectly know what kind of dangers exist while operating.
Our machine has been manufactured only for wood working.
Any other utilization is not according to law. In such cases, the manufacturer is not responsible for any possible
damage; the user is the sole responsible for any risk.
The manufacturer rules concerning safety, operation and servicing and the measures mentioned along with the
technical data must be respected.
The special accident-prevention rules and other technical rules concerning safety must be respected.
The machine has to be used, serviced and repaired only by experts informed of the possible dangers.
The manufacturer is by no means responsible for any arbitrary alteration of the machine and the following
Use the machine exclusively with the original accessories supplied by the manufacturer.
Even if the necessary precautions are taken, further risks exist, such as:
- the overalls can get entangled in the various tools or in other working parts of the machine;
- danger of hurting oneself with the tools;
- danger of hurting oneself between the fences and the worked pieces, or with other working parts of the
- wounds caused by splinters of breaking tools;
- wounds caused by parts of pieces being ejected during operation;
- wounds caused by pneumatic devices;
- fire risk;
- risks connected with the electric system;
- risks caused by loud noise;
- risks caused by dust.
All operators working on straightening machines have to be adequately trained for their use, adjustment and
operation. In particular:
These machines can be used exclusively by properly trained people. Their training has to include any information
about the risks caused by the machine and the suitable precautions to take.
Operators have to be instructed in the correct use and periodical inspections of the protections and of the safety
devices as well.
Clear out the working area surrounding the machine for its safe operation. The floor has to be perfectly flat and
without any material, such as chips and shavings.
Provide for a proper general and localized lighting for each work station.
If necessary, make use of safety devices such as hearing protectors during the machine operation. Use gauntlets to
displace tools and raw materials.
While operating, the machine has never to be left with no-one on duty.
Any machine default or trouble, protections and tools included, has to be signalled as soon as it is found, and the
adequate measures have to be taken.
The safety rules concerning cleaning, servicing, defaults shooting and curing are to be respected.