page 5
Microphone MP86M for mechanical watches
The MP86M is a active microphone equipped with a high sensitiv cristal
and electronic components
and electronic components.
Connect the microphonecable to the 15 pin male plug on the rear of the B 600.
See also page x
The watchcase or the crown must touch correctly
the activ front pins.
This pins, or so called fork , transmitts the
watch sound (noise) to the cristal inside the
The cristal converts the noise in electrical signals.
Through the built in electronic and the cable,
the signals reaches the B 600.
The signals are converted in digital values and
in a diagramm.
Clamp - microphone for pocket-watches and clocks.
The clamp-microphone may be connected to the 15 pin male plug on the rear of the B 600
instead of the MP86M.
Light barrier for clocks.
The light barrier may be connected to the 15 pin male plug on the rear of the B 600
instead of the MP86M.
Operating - Manual B 600 M / Q
Light barrier