S a f e t y I n f o r m a t i o n
P o w e r N o d e s U s e r G u i d e
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Safety Information
This device features an internal protection that will disconnect the surge protective component at the end
of its useful life but will maintain power to the load—now unprotected. If this situation is undesirable for
the application, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for replacing the device.
Risk of Electric Shock.
Do not plug into another relocatable power tap.
Dangerous Devices
You should strongly consider whether to plug certain devices into PowerNodes:
Hazardous if left unattended:
Certain devices such as irons, space heaters and power tools
should never be left unattended and should never be left in the on position unless you are actively
using the device.
Hazardous if power is interrupted:
Certain devices such as medical equipment should never be
powered on and off through a PowerNode. Other devices such as refrigerators should also never
be powered on and off through a PowerNode since you might inadvertently disconnect power to
that device. Such devices should only be plugged into a PowerNode if the color wheel is in the
locked position.
If you want to plug any of these devices into a PowerNode to measure energy use information, then you
should set the color wheel on the PowerNode to the locked position (white wheel color). This will require
you to power the devices on and off directly on the device itself.