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: Replacing the fuse with a different current rating than that indicated on the nameplate 

may result in damage to persons or property. For the same reason, avoid replacing the fuse with 
copper or other material bridges.

The fuse must always be replaced with the power cord disconnected from the mains. Be careful when replacing the 
ribbon fuse, if present, tighten the fixing nuts firmly.



Clean the positive and negative terminals of any rust deposits to ensure good contact of the clamps.


Avoid contacting the two clamps when the battery charger is connected to the mains. This will blow the fuse.


Store the charger in a cool, dry place.


It is not recommended to leave it in a vehicle in hot or cold conditions. 


Make sure that no metal chips or shavings fall into the ventilation grilles during storage, as this can cause serious 
injury when used again.


When you decide to get rid of the machine, make sure to follow the local regulation.
Please help us to protect the environment and to preserve natural resources.
Get rid of the machine taking care of the environment. Do not simply throw it away in the domestic bin. Please 
separate plastic and steel to recycle. Take this device to an authorised recycling centre. (Green point)

Package materials are recyclables. Please, throw them away on the appropriate rubbish bin.


GREENCUT guarantees a 2 years warrantee for all its products (valid in Europe). This guarantee is subject to the 
purchasing date and taking into consideration the purpose of use of the product. In order to claim your guarantee, 
you must present your receipt of purchase and its description, as well as the defective product.

The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear and damage caused by improper use, especially non-compliance 
with the operating and maintenance instructions.

The guarantee is also excluded when non GREENCUT original or not-adequate assembly accessories or parts have 
been used on the product.

In the event of a justified guarantee claim, we are authorised, as per our criteria, to repair or replace the faulty tool 
free of charge. Claims beyond those described in this guarantee will be invalid.

Product failure as a result of failure to follow the maintenance program will void the warranty. Be sure to keep receipts 
for all maintenance performed for verification if a warranty inquiry arises.

Summary of Contents for CD-230P

Page 1: ...i ES Manual de instrucciones FR Manuel d utilisation IT Manuale di istruzioni EN Instruction manual CARGADOR DE BATER A CD 230P...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...ados al usuario a terceras personas animales o a objetos como resultado de hacer caso omiso de las instrucciones de uso contenidas en este manual Esta m quina no est destinada para un uso profesional...

Page 4: ...esco y seco No exponer a la lluvia o nieve No utilice al cargador de bater as para recargar bater as no recargables Desenchufe el cable de alimentaci n de la red antes de conectar o desconectar los ca...

Page 5: ...uela y descon ctela por completo Desh gase de su aparato de manera ecol gica No tire a los contenedores de basura dom stica Cumple con las directivas CE DESCRIPCI N DEL PRODUCTO CONDICIONES DE UTILIZA...

Page 6: ...condici n de bater a cargada con una velocidad y una precisi n que dependen de la capacidad del estado de la bater a y de la precisi n de lectura del amper metro Recordar que el estado exacto de carg...

Page 7: ...roducto sin haber reemplazado la pieza da ada o faltante El uso de este producto con partes da adas o faltantes puede causar lesiones graves al operador UTILIZACI N DEL PRODUCTO ATENCI N Durante el fu...

Page 8: ...rburante NOTA Si la bater a no est instalada en un veh culo conecte directamente al terminal negativo de la bater a s mbolo CARGA MANUAL NOTA Los valores en Ah si se indican a lado de los pulsadores s...

Page 9: ...capacidad Ah y que la suma de las tensiones el ctricas nominales de todas las bater as corresponda a la tensi n de salida del cargador de bater as PARALELO La conexi n en paralelo requiere que las bat...

Page 10: ...l borne correspondiente del cargador de bater as en funci n de la tensi n el ctrica nominal de la bater a del medio que hay que arrancar Compruebe que la bater a se haya conectado bien a los bornes co...

Page 11: ...anera ecol gica No lo tire con la basura dom stica Sus componentes de pl stico y de metal se pueden separar y reciclar Lleve este aparato a un centro de reciclado homologado punto verde Los materiales...

Page 12: 26 de febrero de 2014 sobre la armonizaci n de las legislaciones de los Estados miembros en materia de comercializaci n de material el ctrico destinado a utilizarse con determinados l mites de ten...

Page 13: ...rence future Si vous vendez cette machine dans le futur n oubliez pas de donner ce manuel au nouveau propri taire R GLES DE S CURIT ET PR CAUTIONS Les mots de signalisation suivants et leur significa...

Page 14: ...tteries en charge dans un endroit frais et sec Ne pas exposer la pluie ou la neige N utilisez pas le chargeur de batterie pour recharger des batteries non rechargeables D branchez le cordon d alimenta...

Page 15: ...etien D barrassez vous de votre appareil de mani re cologique Ne le jetez pas dans les poubelles domestiques Cet appareil est conforme aux normes CE DESCRIPTION DU PRODUIT CONDITIONS D UTILISATION Cha...

Page 16: ...charg e avec une vitesse et une pr cision qui d pendent de la capacit de l tat de la batterie et de la pr cision de la lecture de l amp rem tre Rappelez vous que l tat de charge exact des batteries ne...

Page 17: ...utiliser ce produit sans remplacer la pi ce endommag e ou manquante L utilisation de ce produit avec des pi ces endommag es ou manquantes peut causer des blessures graves l op rateur UTILISATION DU P...

Page 18: install e dans un v hicule connectez directement la borne n gative de la batterie symbole CHARGEMENT MANUEL NOTE Les valeurs en Ah si indiqu es c t des boutons sont purement indicatives car le proc...

Page 19: que les batteries aient la m me capacit Ah et que la somme des tensions lectriques nominales de toutes les batteries corresponde la tension de sortie du chargeur de batterie PARALL LE La connexion...

Page 20: la borne correspondante du chargeur de batterie en fonction de la tension lectrique nominale de la batterie dans le milieu d marrer V rifiez que la batterie a t correctement connect e aux bornes co...

Page 21: ...e cologique Ne le jetez pas dans les ordures m nag res Ses composants en plastique et en m tal peuvent tre s par s et recycl s Portez cet appareil dans un centre de recyclage agr point vert Les mat ri...

Page 22: ...onseil du 26 f vrier 2014 relative l harmonisation des l gislations des tats membres concernant la mise disposition sur le march du mat riel lectrique destin tre employ dans certaines limites de tensi...

Page 23: ...questo manuale di istruzioni per una consultazione futura Se vende questa macchina in futuro ricordi di consegnare questo manuale al nuovo proprietario NORME E PRECAUZIONI DI SICUREZZA Le seguenti par...

Page 24: viene utilizzato in un garage o in un ambiente simile collocarlo in un area protetta Ricaricare le batterie in un luogo fresco e asciutto Non esporre a pioggia o neve Non utilizzare il caricabatte...

Page 25: ...macchina la spenga e la scolleghi completamente Smaltisca il suo apparato in modo ecologico Non lo getti nei contenitori della spazzatura domestica Rispetta le norme CE DESCRIZIONE DEL PRODOTTO CONDI...

Page 26: allo zero condizione della batteria carica con una velocit e una precisione che dipendono dalla capacit dallo stato della batteria e dalla precisione della lettura dell amperometro Si ricorda che l...

Page 27: ...ilizzare questo prodotto senza aver sostituito la parte danneggiata o mancante L uso di questo prodotto con parti danneggiate o mancanti pu causare gravi lesioni all operatore UTILIZZO DEL PRODOTTO AT...

Page 28: ...ela directamente al terminal negativo de la bater a s mbolo CARICAMENTO MANUALE NOTA I valori in Ah se indicati accanto ai pulsanti sono puramente indicativi in quanto il processo di carica dipende da...

Page 29: ...iede che le batterie abbiano la stessa capacit Ah e che la somma delle tensioni elettriche nominali di tutte le batterie corrisponda alla tensione di uscita del caricabatterie PARALLELA La connessione...

Page 30: ...ica al corrispondente morsetto sul caricabatteria a seconda della tensione elettrica nominale della batteria nel mezzo da avviare Verificare che la batteria sia stata correttamente collegata ai relati...

Page 31: ...rato in maniera ecologica Non lo getti nei rifiuti domestici I suoi componenti in plastica e di metallo possono essere separati e riciclati Porti questo dispositivo in un centro di riciclaggio omologa...

Page 32: ...braio 2014 concernente l armonizzazione delle legislazioni degli Stati membri relative alla messa a disposizione sul mercato del materiale elettrico destinato a essere adoperato entro taluni limiti di...

Page 33: ...ot intended for professional use Keep this user manual for future reference Should you sell this machine in the future please remember to hand it to the new owner SAFETY RULES AND PRECAUTIONS The foll...

Page 34: ...charging batteries in a cool dry place Do not expose to rain or snow Do not use the battery charger to recharge non rechargeable batteries Unplug the power cord from the mains before connecting or dis...

Page 35: ...icing Dispose of your device in an environmentally friendly manner Do not dispose of in household waste containers Complies with the European Union Directive PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CONDITIONS OF USE Mult...

Page 36: close to zero charged battery condition with a speed and accuracy that depend on the capacity the battery status and the accuracy of the ammeter reading Remember that the exact state of charge of t...

Page 37: ...e Do not use this product without replacing the damaged or missing part Use of this product with damaged or missing parts can cause serious injury to the operator PRODUCT OPERATION ATTENTION During op...

Page 38: ...attery is not installed in a vehicle connect directly to the negative battery terminal symbol CARGA MANUAL NOTE The values in Ah if indicated next to the buttons are purely indicative as the charging...

Page 39: that the batteries have the same capacity Ah and that the sum of the nominal electrical voltages of all the batteries corresponds to the output voltage of the battery charger PARALLEL Parallel conn...

Page 40: clamp to the corresponding terminal on the battery charger depending on the nominal electrical voltage of the battery in the medium to be started Check that the battery has been properly connected...

Page 41: ...are of the environment Do not simply throw it away in the domestic bin Please separate plastic and steel to recycle Take this device to an authorised recycling centre Green point Package materials are...

Page 42: ...ebruary 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits Directive 2004...

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Page 44: ...www greencut es Manual revisado en julio de 2018...
