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When the boiler is switched on, its electrical heaters are switched on, as well as the
circulating pump. The number of the powered electric heaters depends on the
adjustment of the power stages of the thermal capacity of the unit.
The boiler will heat up the circulating water until any of the following conditions
are fulfilled:
the temperature of the circulating water is below the set-point, defined by the
operating thermostat of the boiler;
in case of room thermostat operation, the temperature in the reference room
is below the set-point of this thermostat;
at operation of any of the electric heating elements, the circulating pump
will operate in order to transfer the heat energy to the heating system;
it is highly recommended to check the condition of the circulating pump,
especially if the boiler has been out of operation for more than a month
period (in some cases the pump’s rotor gets blocked due to the water soluble
contaminants, also rust) – unscrew the protective cap and check if the
pump’s rotor is rotating at operation. Screw the protective cap back as final
step of the procedure
The operation of the electric boiler is controlled by its the operating thermostat, the
room thermostat or the weekly programmable thermostat. The boiler heats up the
circulating water until the set-point of the temperature, defined by the boiler’s
operating thermostat is reached, then the heaters are switched off, but the
circulating pump continues to run. In case of emergency overheating, the boiler’s
operation is interrupted by the emergency thermostat. In such situations first find
the reason for the malfunctioning, ask the service company if necessary. The
activation of the emergency thermostat is done manually, by unscrewing its cap
and pushing the piston until a “click” is heard, then screw back its cap and start the
Operating of the hot water electric boiler of series “ELTHERM”
in direct heating systems
The hot water electric boiler heats the circulating water at start signal both from the
operating thermostat (i.e. the circulating water temperature is below the set-point of
the operating thermostat value) and the room thermostat (i.e. the room temperature
is below the set-point). The electric hot water boiler is controlled by the above
mentioned thermostats. The boiler does not operate at reached set-points of at least
one of the above mentioned set-points (the circulating temperature set-point and
the room temperature set-point).