the top stringer aft of the cockpit and routed the antenna
through a piece of tubing exiting the fuse. The other end of
the antenna was connected to a hook made from a cut-off
servo arm connected to a small rubber band and a T-pin
inserted into the leading edge of the fin.
Refer to this photo while mounting the wing struts.
1. Bolt the wing to the fuselage with the 1/4" x 2" nylon
wing bolts. Bevel both ends of one of the balsa
wing struts
to match the left side of the fuse and the wing. Note that the
top of the strut should be positioned so that when a hole is
drilled through it and the fuse, the hole will go through the
strut block inside (remember you made a small hole through
the fuse with a pin indicating the location of the block).
2. Hold the strut in position, then drill 3/32" holes through
both ends of the strut into the mounting blocks in the wing
and the fuse. The holes should be perpendicular to the top of
the strut. Enlarge the holes in the strut only with a 1/8" drill.
3. Add a few drops of thin CA to both ends of the strut to
harden the holes and to fuelproof the exposed balsa. Mount
the strut to the fuse and wing with two #4 x 5/8" screws.
4. Mount the other strut to the right side of the fuse the
same way. Mark the struts as
in an
inconspicuous location, so you will know how to put them
back on when you get to the flying field.
1. Use black, fuelproof paint to coat the inside of the
cockpit. After the paint dries, place the instrument panel
sticker on the instrument panel.
2. Have a helper hold the clear plastic
position on the fuse. Use a fine-point felt-tip marker to draw a
line on the fuse around the front edge of the windscreen. Use
a hobby knife with a new #11 blade to cut through the covering
along the line you marked. If you wish to make a flat black anti-
glare panel (as shown in the photo), remove the portion of
covering behind the line you cut. Use the piece of covering as
a template to cut another piece of covering from flat black
film (or use fine sandpaper to scuff a piece of
regular black MonoKote film). Iron the “anti-glare” panel you
cut from the black MonoKote film into position, leaving a 1/16"
gap of exposed balsa between the black and the white. If you
are not going to make a black anti-glare panel, simply cut the
covering 1/16" in front of the line you already cut. Remove the
1/16" strip of covering from the fuse, thereby leaving a 1/16"
strip of exposed balsa that the windscreen can be glued to.
Refer to this photo while you are finishing the cockpit.
3. Use a #11 blade to split the rubber tubing used for the
cockpit coaming
. Fit the coaming around the cockpit with
the ends joining at the rear but don't glue it into position. It
isn't necessary for the ends of the coaming to meet up,
because it will be trimmed to accommodate the turtledeck.
Finish the Cockpit
Drill Holes
Mount the Wing Struts