5. The fi rewall has eight cooling holes that need to be
removed. These can easily be removed by tapping each
cooling hole briskly with a small hobby hammer or the end
of a screw driver.
6. Glue four 1/4" x 5/8" x 5/8" [6mm x15mm x15mm] cowl
mounting blocks to the fuselage, two on each side as shown
in the photo. The block should be mounted fl ush to the side
of the fuselage.
7. Locate the 1/4" x1/4" x 2" [6mm x 6mm x 51mm] triangle
stock. Cut off four 5/8" lengths and epoxy them to the fi rewall
and the cowl mounting blocks as shown.
8. Turn the fuselage over and mount the speed control
to the bottom of the motor box. Use your own screws or
the hardware that came with the speed control. When you
complete this model, refer to the instructions with your motor,
ESC, and batteries for correct connection instructions.
9. On the bottom of the fuselage, behind the wing saddle
you will fi nd cooling exits that are covered. Iron the covering
tightly to the fuselage and then cut away the covering, exposing
the cooling vents.