TSF1080, TSF1090, TSF1280 & TSF1290
Elevator Raising/Lowering
The elevator lifts and lowers the center section of the
boom, which raises and lowers the entire boom.
Lifting is performed by a hydraulic cylinder controlled by
a solenoid valve, which in turn is controlled by an
up-down/center-stop switch
on the boom control panel
in the tractor cab.
The elevator is fully raised for folding.
Lowering is by gravity retraction of the cylinder. When the
switch is toggled down, the hydraulic circuit is put in float.
Lifting and lowering speeds may differ.
Boom Height
After calibrating the sprayer for the specific nozzle to be
used at a desired pressure and tractor speed, the main
field adjustment is the boom height.
Depending on which type of nozzle is being used, set the
boom height so that the correct overlap for that specific
nozzle is achieved. If the crop canopy is taller in some
fields than others, adjust the boom height accordingly.
Refer to the Nozzle Charts in the
Application Guide
determine the height of the boom.
In center-off, the elevator stays at the current position. In
normal field operations, the elevator is set to the desired
height, and left there for the field. Typically this is about
20in (51cm) above the crop canopy.
As necessary, wings are raised and lowered at turns by
the operator, and adjusted to accommodate uneven
terrain. The optional AutoBoom system is useful on
irregular terrain.
Figure 40
Elevation Switches