We reserve the right to introduce modifications. Not liable for printing errors!
Wingspan about
2200 mm
Fuselage length without spinner about
1640 mm
wing area about
84 dm²
Tailplane area about
18.4 dm²
Wing area about
102.4 dm²
All-up weight depending on equipment about 9000 g
0-0.5 degrees
Centre of gravity
about 130-140 mm behind the leading
Caution: This model is not a toy!
If you do not have experience with such motorised models, please ask experienced
model flyers for help. If the model is operated without the proper knowledge, injuries
can result. Think of your health and safety!
Important! Before you start the assembly!
Even if you have already built lots of RC models, read these instructions through
carefully and check the parts in the kit for completeness. A lot of effort was made to
keep things as simple as possible without neglecting safety.
Note on the covering sheet
Because of strong changes in the weather (temperature, humidity, et cetera), folds
can appear in the covering sheet. In rare cases, the components can even be
warped. This lies in the nature of wood construction with covering sheet. This can be
corrected as follows using a hair dryer like those available to model builders.
Blow with hot air and rub with a soft cloth.
Warped area: Gently twist the area against the direction of warping and smooth it
out again using hot air.
Caution! Never use more heat than is absolutely necessary. If the iron is too hot, the
covering sheet will melt and holes will form.
The extensively pre-fabricated model can be built in a very short time. However, the
remaining steps are important and have to be carried out with care. Doing this work
properly determines whether the model will have the prescribed rigidity and flight
characteristics; so please work slowly and precisely!
When putting screws into wood, apply a little casein glue to keep them from
loosening: Squirt casein glue into the drill hole and screw in the screw.
Tips on building the model
Before assembling the model, it is essential to read the construction diagram and
the instructions all the way through. When using tools, be aware of the possible