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Made in Czech Republic
Attach the aileron to the wing using hinge tape, after de-greasing the covering film by wiping with paint thinners. Drill a
3 mm Ø hole in the aileron to accept the horn (the hole should only be 6.5 mm deep). Connect the horn to the aileron
pushrod, then glue the horn in the hole in the aileron. Trim the aileron servo well cover to size (see photo) and attach
it to the wing using adhesive tape or a few drops of cyano. Repeat the whole procedure with the second aileron and
aileron servo.
allow cyano to run into all the corners of the noseleg support to harden and strengthen the wood. Fit the
noseleg unit from the front, and secure it with two aluminium straps and four self-tapping screws, as described for the
main undercarriage units. Apply cyano to the screws for additional security.
Cut out the T-shaped slot in the underside of the fuselage nose, so that the nose cone can be fitted onto the fuselage.
De-grease the covering film and the inside of the nose cone where it overlaps the fuselage, then fit the moulding and
secure it with cyano. Press it firmly against the fuselage at the top and both sides.
Temporarily slip the elevator pushrod into the guide tube from the nose, and glue the guide tube to the rearmost