setting the gates Open and clOse distance
step 5 - motor set up
press and hold the “f” button until “ff” appears
on the display and starts flashing, then release
the “f” button and press any button on the remote
control until the “ff” stops flashing and the re-
mote control is activated. repeat the same with
all other remote controls you want to active. you
can activate up to 50 remote controls.
once activated the remote control has one button
to open, one to close, one to stop and one for pe-
destrian entry that opens the gate only part way
for pedestrians.
deactiVating RemOte cOntROls
press and hold the “enter” button until the display lights up, which takes about
1 second then all remote controls have been deactivated.
this motor has an encoder, which is a device that measures how far the gate
travels so it knows where to stop when fully opened or closed. for safety rea-
sons all sliding gates must have hard stops to prevent the gate from opening or
closing too far and these also play a part in setting the open and close distance
of this motor. the travel distance of the gate must be programmed for both
open and close. to do this firstly close the gate fully using the manual release
and/or a remote control then press and hold the “+” button until “aa” appears on
the display and starts flashing, then release the “+” button. now on an activate
remote control press the “p” button then the “open” button together holding
them both until the gate begins to open slowly, then let go of the buttons. the
gate will continue to open slowly until it reaches the open hard stop. repeat this
with the “p” and “close” buttons on the remote control to set the close distance
and the press the “f” button to return back to normal operation. the motor
should now run at full speed when opening and slow down as it approches the
fully open or close position.
to set up the sd-800 sliding gate motor take the
lid off and find the electronic control board where
there are four small buttons labelled “f”, “+”, “-”
and “enter”. these buttons and a two digital led
display are used to set up the motor including:
actiVating RemOte cOntROls