make sure that the gate has been properly installed, is straight and slides freely
throughout its entire length without any grabbing from the guides or track any
where along the gate. the
gate tRack must be in a stRaight line
any sudden dips or rises may prevent the gate operator from working properly.
repair or replace all worn or damaged gate hardware prior to installation. gate
posts less than 150mm wide should be made from steel not timber. replace
posts where necessary. a freely moving gate will require less force to operate
and will enhance the performance of the operator and give a long working life.
the operator should be well drained and not be submersed in water or have
water running past it in heavy rain.
keeper to be
aligned to the
gate correctly
guide must
move easily for
entire length of
gate operator on a
level concrete pad
gate track must be straight,
gate should
run or catch
on the track.
power point (if
used) on free
standing post in
front of the gate
gate must be straight
not twisted or bowed.
GuiDe post ClearanCe
fence or
guide post
if used
if using a guide post behind a gate
allow at least 60mm clearance for
the rack. if the guide is fitted to the
front fence or wall the clearence
has no effect so long as the gate
does not contact it at all.
hard stop
to set gate
open limit
preparinG the Gate